// National Road 13 Improvement
and Maintenance Project
North Section
National Road 13 Improvement and
Maintenance Project – North Section
Project duration: April 2017 to January 2021 and
September 2019 to September 2023
Client: MPWT
The NR13 Improvement and Maintenance Project is a joint-funded project by the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), World Bank (WB) the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) with a total funding of USDM100.

A major component of the RAP is the approval of the compensation unit rate reflecting the market price of impacted assets. This assignment ran from April 2017 to January 2021 under 3 separated contracts. In September 2019, LCG was the sub-consultant for the Implementation Support and Work Supervision (ISWS) of the civil works contracts based on a Performance-based Road Contract (OPBRC).

The project covers improvement of the road quality, including climate resilience, as well as maintenance and safety. The project covers a 68km section from Sikeut km 12 in Vientiane Capital to Phonhong km 70 in Vientiane Province and was listed as a World Bank Environment Assessment Category A.
In April 2017, LCG led a team of local consultants to carry out extensive field surveys (environmental baseline, census survey, detailed measurement survey) to update the ESIA in collaboration with an International Environmental Expert to bring the Project into compliance with the existing environmental protection laws, regulations, and standards in Lao PDR and with the WB Safeguard Policies and the IFC Performance Standards. Furthermore, LCG has supported the MPWT’s Environmental and Social Division to implement the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Ethnic Group Engagement Plan (EGEP) prior the start and during construction works.