// Northern Rural Infrastructure
Development Sector Project
Northern Rural Infrastructure
Development Sector Project
Project duration: August 2011 to June 2017
and July 2017 to March 2023
Client: Department of Planning / MAF
Northern Rural Infrastructure Development Sector Project (NRIDSP) was funded through an ADB US$23M grant and its key concept is “promoting value added agriculture through rural infrastructure development”.

drafting of TORs and procurement of national design and construction consultants; review of road and irrigation designs, prepare quality assurance guidelines for construction of rural infrastructure; establishment and training of WUAs and RMCs; participatory catchment and land use planning; environment and social monitoring; promotion of SRI techniques and agricultural cash crops extensions.

The objective is to improve rural household incomes in the four northern provinces of Bokeo, Luang Namtha, Oudomxay and Phongsaly. Project components included the development of rural infrastructure through rehabilitation of irrigation systems with a target command area of 3,600 ha, and upgrading 175 km of rural roads. Farmer groups were formed to enter contract farming and 20 catchments had management plans drawn up and implemented by project end.
Following the achievement of the initial project, ADB granted additional financing of US$36.5M to expand the Project for another 5 years to finance 22 extra small and medium-sized gravity fed irrigation schemes and rural access roads in addition to the 26 sub-projects completed in the first phase.
LCG is part of the joint venture to assist the government to implement the project, the consultants’ services include: assistance in the preparation of feasibility reports, and SIRs for subprojects including IEEs and Resettlement plans;